Fascinated by personal narratives, my volumes series explores the diversity of individual experiences. While we interact constantly with others, most of our thoughts, remain private, closeted in the intimate libraries of our own minds.
I invite viewers to reflect on the many moments, which create the depth and span of their stories; exploring how identity is formed in the arc of struggles, triumphs, failures, ranges of emotion, evolutions of development, and the intersections of personal relationships. In these “journey stories” there is resiliency, power, and the opportunity to forge meaning, and find value in the distinct, varied flavors of experiences. One may not be able to control all the events of our lives, yet we control meaning. The past is not static, but malleable, as the same story may be told many ways.
In exploring others stories, their contexts, taking on various perspectives, we gain deeper connections, and look with greater empathy, compassion, and respect. Richness is found as we composite and compile our varied thoughts, specific wisdom, knowledge, and memories with others yielding a collective of experience. My volumes pieces visually echo the rhythm and harmony of juxtapositions, similarities and contrasts, articulating the contributions of even the smallest of elements.
These mixed media pieces are created from layers of acrylic, glassine, and tissue on wood and canvas.